Public Comment Procedures

Mountain Line Transit Authority
Procedures for Public Comment

The Board of Directors at the Mountain Line Transit Authority shall provide an opportunity for members of the community to provide oral comments during its monthly board meetings. Comments shall be limited to matters that pertain to MLTA or other transportation issues. The Board Chair shall have discretion to waive or modify any of the following rules and guidelines governing public comment at MLTA.

The public comment period shall follow the agenda set forth by the board and shall be limited to a period of 30 minutes.

Persons who wish to provide written comments should bring a copy of their comments to submit to the board.

Time Limit
The period for the public comment period generally shall be limited to no more than 30 minutes. Each person wishing to make a public comment shall be limited to 5 minutes and limited to speaking once, unless all others which want to speak have spoken.

Procedure for Oral Comment

  1. Any person wishing to address the Board with comments pertaining to MLTA/transportation related topics during the 30 minute public comment forum shall present their name, address, and topic before speaking.
  2. Comments should be directed to the board as a whole. The purpose of the Public Comment period is to give citizens an opportunity to express their views. Therefore, the board will not respond to questions.
  3. The Chair shall determine if the topic is appropriate before the speaker may proceed.
  4. Comments related to personnel issues or contractual matters will not be permitted at this forum, as there are other, more appropriate avenues to pursue these matters.
  5. In order to ensure that as many people as possible have an opportunity to address the board, speakers may address the board only once until all others have had a chance to speak.
  6. MLTA staff will provide a podium for citizens wishing to address the board.
  7. Speakers will be courteous in their language and presentation.
  8. The Chair of the Board will moderate the public comment period.
  9. Only one speaker will be acknowledged at a time. In the event, a group of persons supporting and opposing the same position desires to be heard, in the interest of time, a spokesperson shall be designated to express the group’s concerns.
  10. After the speaker has made his or her statement, he or she will be seated with no further debate, dialogue, or comment.
  11. Should board members wish to respond to public comments, they may do so by requesting a suspension of the rules or do so during the board member forum at the end of the meeting.
  12. No item raised during the public comment period may be acted upon by the board unless it was on the posted agenda.
  13. Board Member may request an Executive Session at the next regular meeting of the board to discuss comments made during the Public Comment portion relating to legal or personnel matters, in accordance with WV State Code. 
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